Fly-tipping Birmingham

We are going to show you the impacts of fly-tippers and how to avoid them.
The fly-tipping problem.
There’s a problem brewing….. It’s Fly-tipping in Birmingham, overall it’s costing the UK and our councils a whopping £57 Million a year. These acts, leave our areas appearing run down. Not to add, the impact on local wildlife and scenery. We’ve all witnessed it, the eye saws, left behind by rogue traders on our country lanes and beautiful green space.
For the average householder, getting rid of waste can be challenging. You’ve gotta lift and move the waste, consider health and safety. Then find a waste transfer station to accept it.
“Fly-tipping is defined as the illegal dumping of waste or rubbish”.
Households have a duty of care and breaching these, can lead to unlimited fines, under Environmental Protection Laws. Click here for further guidance.
Why does Fly-tipping occur?
For rouge traders, there’s a big saving when it comes to fly-tipping waste. They can skip the waste transfer fees, which can be anywhere from a few pounds to hundreds, depending on the type of waste and weight. They also save, on fuel and time traveling to and from the transfer station. This can result in thousands of pounds saved a year, over legitimate companies. So now you know why, your council tax keeps rising.
Avoiding the Fly-tippers, your duty of care:
So, when selecting a waste removal company. What steps should you take to meet your duty of care?
- Ask to see their waste carriers’ licence (often found on their website). You can check their registration number via the Environment agency website or call the agency directly. Click here for an example of what you should find.
- Make a note of their Vehicle licence plate on arrival, address and phone number (this should be available before collection). Often this is displayed on their website.
- A good waste removal company will supply you with an invoice or if you’re a business a WTN (Waste transfer note).
Fly-tipped waste, if traced back to you, will lead to a fine. So you have to be careful and meet your duty of care.
Is the price to cheap:

We are all becoming more money conscious and savvy negotiators. Although sometimes, we have to step back and ask ourselves is the price to cheap?
So If a company or individual is offering a service to cheaply, we need to carry out more detective work. We should check they have been authorised to remove waste and have a good track record. Is their van sign written? Will they provide you with a business address?
Rubbish removal companies, have several overheads, these range from staff wages, insurance, licence fees and everything in between. Good companies often sort the waste themselves, before transferring to increase recycling rates.
Often newbies to the trade, buy a van and start moving waste. Unaware of their legal responsibilities. Not long after, they are collecting waste only to discover transferring fees are high. They then unfortunately fly-tipp your waste. Some are totally aware of their actions and do so only for financial gain or to cut corners.
Reporting fly-tipping
If you’ve witnesses fly-tipping or a rouge trader has dumped rubbish on you’re land, you can report these individuals to your local authority (Birmingham city Council report Fly-tippers). If you have the individuals licence plate or any CCTV footage that will be of help. Although if its private land, you’re property or business for example you are now responsible for the waste.
Why People choose us?
- Junkbusters has over 5 years of experience, within the domestic and commercial clearance industry. With happy returning customers, all over the West Midlands.
- We are passionate when is comes to recycling, work with us to help protect the environment, we recycle all waste where possible.
- We are licenced waste carriers by the Environment Agency. All our jobs are provided with a invoice or WTN, giving you peace of mind.
- Public liability insurance and a high regard for health and safety.
- Highly competitive pricing, with a large fleet and we do all the lifting and moving.
- Reliable and punctual, so call our team today for your no obligation quote.